Invertir en barrios más seguros y dinámicos 🍂

Estimados vecinos,

Después de dos semanas de mis primeras audiencias sobre el presupuesto, ahora me siento seguro de mi comprensión de las prioridades de nuestra ciudad. El alcalde Johnson está invirtiendo en Tratamiento, no en Trauma mediante la reapertura de dos clínicas de salud mental, añadiendo personal al programa de respuesta a emergencias Crisis Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE), y restableciendo el Departamento de Medio Ambiente para hacer frente a los impactos del cambio climático. También he recibido compromisos verbales del Departamento de Servicios Familiares y de Apoyo, junto con el Departamento de Policía de Chicago para reunirse sobre la integración de Peacebook. Este es uno de los presupuestos más progresistas presentados al Ayuntamiento, y confío en que invierta en barrios más seguros y dinámicos.

I am looking forward to our upcoming subject matter hearings on Peacebook in the joint Committee on Health and Human Relations and Committee on Workforce Development. I will get to head my first Subcommittee on Youth Employment, where I will call on our peacekeeper experts Good Kids Mad City. As we get closer to our subject matter hearing dates, I will be sure to share the details as to shed light on the democratic process of introducing ordinances.

Nuestra más sincera enhorabuena a Unah Choi, de Choi Brands, una empresa manufacturera del barrio especializada en uniformes y ropa de trabajo.Unah Choi fue reconocido por el Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo como Líder Emergente en Fabricación, que se concede a los líderes empresariales que muestran un historial de defensa del sector manufacturero de Chicago.Además de fabricar suministros y uniformes para artes marciales en Humboldt Park, Unah Choi aboga por el avance de la fabricación como presidente de la junta directiva del Industrial Council of Northwest Chicago. Para ver el vídeo creado para la ceremonia de entrega de premios, haga clic aquí. Es un honor contar con Choi Brands en el Distrito 26 y un privilegio aún mayor saber que Uhah Choi se dedica al progreso de la comunidad y del sector manufacturero.

Los Embajadores del Distrito 26, o Promotores, están haciendo un trabajo inestimable al comprometerse activamente con la comunidad y abordar cuestiones importantes como el plomo en las tuberías de agua. Su compromiso con la sensibilización y la difusión de la oficina es encomiable.Dedican su tiempo a llamar a las puertas e informar a los residentes de los próximos eventos, iniciativas y reuniones comunitarias.La recogida de 38 solicitudes de servicio en un solo día, desde kits de análisis del agua hasta desratización y bacheo, demuestra la eficacia de los Promotores a la hora de conectar con la comunidad y abordar una amplia gama de preocupaciones. Sus esfuerzos reflejan una auténtica dedicación a mejorar las vidas de los residentes y el bienestar general del Distrito 26. Como miembros de la comunidad, debemos ser amables y receptivos cuando los Promotores llaman a nuestras puertas, ya que están trabajando diligentemente para tener un impacto positivo. Sus esfuerzos son un recordatorio del poder del activismo de base y del compromiso de la comunidad a la hora de abordar importantes problemas locales.

Patrocinar varios eventos de Halloween en el barrio, como la Escuela Primaria Lloyd, el Parque Hermosa, el Parque Mozart y el Paseo Boricua Embrujado, es una manera maravillosa para nuestra oficina de conectar con la comunidad y fomentar un sentido de unión. Estos eventos no sólo traen alegría y emoción al vecindario, sino que también crean oportunidades para que las familias y las personas se reúnan y celebren la temporada de Halloween. Todos estos actos hicieron sonreír a los niños, crearon experiencias memorables y realzaron el espíritu de Halloween en nuestro barrio, pero lo más importante es que ayudaron a fortalecer el tejido social de nuestra comunidad.

Un grito especial a las siguientes personas y empresas que ayudaron a hacer de Halloween especial:Stock & Save por su generosa donación de caramelos; George Ortega por la donación de zumos; ALSO por la donación de patatas fritas. Gracias a todos por sus generosas donaciones.

Estoy profundamente comprometida con el bienestar y el progreso de nuestra comunidad, y es este compromiso el que me impulsa a trabajar incansablemente, abordando las diversas necesidades y preocupaciones de nuestros electores. Si desea concertar una cita, envíe un correo electrónico a para inscribirse en nuestras Noches de barrio. Comparta nuestro boletín con un amigo y pídale que se inscriba para recibir nuestras actualizaciones semanales y noticias en

Su Concejal del Distrito 26,

Jessie Fuentes

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26th Ward Office Updates

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Day of the Dead Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Participate in a Day of the Dead Pumpkin Decorating Contest today, November 1st at Hermosa Park at 4:30pm. Kids can swing by the park to pick up a pumpkin starting today — provided by my office! 

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Health & Housing Expo

Join us for a Housing and Health Expo at the McCormick YMCA on Saturday, November 18, 2023! We are excited to work together to provide the community with essential resources and services that will assist first-time homebuyers, those looking for affordable housing, rental and mortgage assistance, financial education, and small landlord workshops! We will also have vendors assisting with medical insurance questions and applications, as well as a health truck providing free health screenings and flu vaccines. Go here to register:

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26th Ward Ambassadors

We are excited to announce the new 26th Ward Ambassadors program to build stronger connections with neighbors & spread the word about important resources. Join a community of neighbors ready to take action, attend educational workshops, and more. If you're interested in signing up, call our Ward Office at 773-395-0143 and ask for Juanita.

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Property Tax Notice

The Cook County Board of Review is now open for pre-filing tax appeals for West Chicago and Jefferson Townships. To enter a tax appeal, visit the Cook County Board of Review's Appeals Portal at Please note that while the exemption application deadline to apply has passed, if you believe you qualify for an exemption you can file a certificate of error after you receive your second bill in November. If your certificate of error is approved, you will receive a refund check. Missing exemptions? Have questions? Contact us at 773-395-0143.

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Connect with the 26th Ward Office

Ward Hours

The 26th ward office is currently located at 2511 W Division St. The office's regular hours of operation are as follows:

  • Monday 1 pm - 7 pm*
  • Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 1 pm - 5 pm
  • Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 9 am - 3 pm.

*Ward Night: Monday's 5 pm - 7 pm

Ward Nights

Ward nights are an opportunity to meet with Alderperson Fuentes to talk to her about any local or city issues. Ward nights take place every Monday from 5pm - 7pm. Ward night meetings will be by appointment only and on a first come, first served basis.


If you’d like to meet with Alderperson Fuentes during ward night, please call or email the ward office at 773-395-0143 or

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26th Ward Youth Council 

We are excited to inspire our young people to get involved in government and organize in the community. If you are a youth (12-24 years old) that resides in the 26th Ward and wants to have a say in how we spend infrastructure money and what type of policies I champion, please sign up for our youth council by applying at Join our next Youth Council Meeting on Monday, November 13th from 4:30pm to 6pm. 

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Winter Supplies Needed for Asylum Seekers

Donations of winter clothing and supplies for asylum seekers can be dropped off at our office (2511 W Division St) or any of the other drop off locations listed on the flyer above. Winter coats, blankets, winter gear and sleeping bags are especially in need. Sign up to involved here:

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26th Ward Zoning Meeting

LUCHA is partnering with Full Circle Communities to bring new affordable housing to Humboldt Park at 3305 W Division St. Join our community zoning meeting at 6pm on Thursday November 9th at new Life Church (3400 W Division St.) to learn about the project and share your feedback.


The 26th Ward community-based zoning process requires that anyone requesting a zoning change must first complete a zoning intake form. Once their intake form has been reviewed they will be invited to present their zoning request to the 26th Ward Zoning Advisory Committee and must answer additional questions posed by the committee. When applicable, the person requesting a zoning change may also be required to present their zoning request to the broader public during a community input meeting. For more information go to:

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Community Events

Film Screening at the Humboldt Park Library

Come out to the Humboldt Park Library Branch today at 5:30pm for a screening of Coco. Feel free to bring your favorite snack to enjoy during the movie!

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Casa Central Gala

Casa Central’s annual Gala is coming up on Friday, November 3rd at the Adler Planetarium. This year's gala features a special Keynote Speaker, Dr. Bernard A. Harris, Jr., a former NASA astronaut and the first African American to walk in space! Dr. Harris will share the inspirational story of launching his career, founding a philanthropic organization, and empowering and inspiring others to reach their goals. For more information and tickets go to

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City Civics Day

Join the Department of Planning and Development and the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events at a free, day-long celebration of civic involvement and community connection on Saturday November 4th from 9:30am to 4:30pm at the Epiphany Center for the arts. Register at

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8th District Community Meetings

Commissioner Anthony Quezada invites you to an upcoming community meeting to learn about Cook County government and the services offered at the 8th District Office. The Commissioner's office is excited to host their an 8th District Community Meeting in Logan Square on November 2nd at 5:30pm at the Lucy Parsons Apartments (2614 N Emmett St).


Join for some light refreshments and a bilingual presentation (English/Spanish) on Cook County, office operations, and available resources.

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Navi Arts Festival

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 11th, and Sunday, November 12th, when the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture will transformation into a FREE Holiday Artisan Pop-Up Shop, just in time for the festive season. Immerse yourself in the Holiday spirit with music, delicious beverages, scrumptious food, and the opportunity to participate in free family art workshops. Discover one-of-a-kind gifts that you won’t find in retail stores, all while championing small Puerto Rican/Latino-owned businesses right here in Chicago. The first 25 people will receive a free gift each day! On Saturday 11/11 all Veterans will receive a small gift.

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Come out to North-Grand for a Dia de los Muertos themed STEAM festival, featuring drones, 3D printing, slime-making, a lotería game, and lots of cool prizes! November 4th, 11am-3pm.

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Info Session on Clean Energy

Join Homeowners United of NWC and Illinois PIRG for an information session and Q&A to learn what you and Chicago can do to save money on utilities and fight climate change through the option of switching to all-electric energy. Thursday, November 9th at 7pm.

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Walking and Wellness Club

There is a new Walking and Wellness Club for adults over 55 running from October 20th to November 10th. Space is limited. Please register in person at the Harbor Light Community Center front desk, text 847-316-1365, or email

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Public Notices

Now Open: Emergency Heating Repair Program

If you are a senior and home owner, you may need to reapply for the “Senior Freeze” Exemption which provides significant savings on your property tax bill. For the past few years, the “Senior Freeze” automatically renewed due to COVID-19, however, the auto-renewal has ended and you must reapply. 


Please review the bottom left corner of your Second Installment Property Tax Bill. If there are no savings listed next to the Senior Freeze Exemption, then you are encouraged to immediately mail the completed application to: 


Cook County Assessor’s Office
Taxpayer Services Department 
118 N Clark Street, Room 320, Chicago, IL 60602


You may also apply online at or pick up a printed copy at our office.

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Now Open: Emergency Heating Repair Program

The Emergency Heating Repair Program (EHRP) is a grant program available to income-eligible Chicago homeowners for service to repair or replace their furnace or boiler heating system. Grant funds are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is open to Chicagoans who own and occupy a 1-to-4 unit residential property within the city limits. The property must be in habitable condition and not at risk of foreclosure. Commercial and mixed-use properties do not qualify.

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Alley Construction Notice

Mayor Brandon Johnson, Alderperson Jessie Fuentes, and the Chicago Department of Transportation are pleased to inform you that the reconstruction of your alley began on Monday, October 30, 2023. Construction is expected to take 6 weeks, weather permitting. Due to construction the following changes will occur:

  • During construction, residential garbage pickup will be curbside and we ask that the homeowner relocate cans to the front of the property. If you have private refuse, please contact your service to make special arrangements for pickup.
  • There will be no access to the alley for approximately 6 weeks depending on the weather conditions. Barricades will block all entrances to the alley.
  • Access to garages from the alley will be unavailable.
  • Homeowners are advised to seek alternative parking.
  • Garage aprons will be replaced only as needed.

This project will be managed by the Chicago Department of Transportation. If you require any additional information regarding this project, please contact 312-722-6590.

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Sign Up For Street Sweeping Reminders

You have probably noticed that the city's street sweeping schedule has changed this year. Use "" to search for your Chicago street address and find out when your street will be swept next. Then, register for email alerts or subscribe to a calendar feed so that you get a reminder when the next sweep is coming up. 

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Emergency Tree Trimming Notice

Today, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023 city workers will be addressing emergency tree trimming requests on the following blocks:


  • 1200 N Maplewood
  • 1300 n Campbell
  • 1200-1400 N Washtenaw
  • 1200-1500 N Campbell
  • 1200-1500 N Artesian

These emergency requests are made when a tree's growth is immediately threatening to property or public safety.

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Order Discounted Rain Barrels

Rain barrels, a type of green infrastructure, capture rainwater from your roof and save for when you need it. By keeping this water out of the sewer system, it can help reduce sewer overflows and flooding. Rain barrels are now available for $21.50 for residents while supplies last. Residents 65 and over receive an additional discounted price of $10.75. Limit 2 discounted rain barrels per household. Order at

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Senior Only DMV Centers

The Secretary of State has launched two “Senior Only” walk-in centers in the Chicago area. The two locations include the Evanston Civic Center, 2100 N. Ridge Road in Evanston and Seat Geek Stadium, 7000 S. Harlem Ave. in Bridgeview. Seniors at these locations will not need appointments, as these walk-in centers are specifically designed to meet their needs.

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Public Safety Meetings

The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) has introduce a new and improved interactive calendar, which you can click here to access. One of the key features of this calendar is the inclusion of the yearly meeting calendar for both the Commission for Public Safety and your local District Councils. By simply visiting this website, you can find the dates, times, and locations of all scheduled meetings. 

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Picnic Permits Opening Day

Forest Preserve picnic permits will be going on sale starting November 15th online and November 16th in person. Refer to the flyer above for additional information on locations.

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Get Involved

CDOT Electric Vehicles Survey

CDOT is launching a survey to better understand the level of knowledge residents have about Electric Vehicles and e-mobility devices like electric bikes and scooters, their mobility needs, and how those factors will impact EV charging demand over the next decade. CDOT will host the first of several community meetings on Tuesday, November 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Olive-Harvey College, with more dates to follow. Residents are encouraged to take the online survey and view additional meeting times at the newly launched project website:

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O'hare Concessions Symposium

Want your business in front of thousands of people daily? Find out what it takes to set up shop at O'Hare at the ORD Concessions Symposium. Prime concessionaires and city leaders will be on hand to guide you. Learn more:

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Mentor Youth with iMentor Chicago

iMentor Chicago is hosting two Fast Track to Mentoring Events on November 4th. This offers a fantastic opportunity for new participants to complete all the necessary steps to become a mentor in just one hour. Could you please include this opportunity in the upcoming newsletter under the heading "Fast Track to Mentoring"? Click here to register and learn more.

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 Restore the Bathroom in Humboldt Park

Neighbors in the 26th Ward have put together a petition on that urges park district officials to restore the restrooms in Humboldt Park. Sign click here to sign the petition if you support this effort.

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Job Opportunities

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Citywide Hiring Fair

Alderwoman Jeanette Taylor is hosting a citywide hiring fair on Saturday October 21st and Saturday October 28th at the City Colleges of Chicago. Scan the codes above to register as a volunteer, as an attendee, and as a business. 

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Lifeguard Explorers Training Program

The Chicago Park District is committed to identifying and training swimmers from around the city through their Lifeguards Explorer Program. They will teach you the required skills and provide supervised practice time needed to successfully pass the lifeguard skills test, and become eligible to be hired as a Chicago Park District Lifeguard.
Open to all 15-22 year olds. Click here to learn more.

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Vargas Group Hiring

Vargas Group is hiring for workers at O'Hare Airport. Notably, they are willing to hire immigrants pending work permits. Starting pay $16.80 and they will get a raise on November 1, 2023. Learn more at

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Other Career Opportunities

  • The Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) has recently posted a total of 128 Spanish Speaking Positions. Please visit the Work 4 Illinois website at to view current postings for DCFS.
  • O’Hare airport is hiring for for Custodian work. Click here to read the full job description and apply.
  • The Chicago Department of Transportation has opened up bids for 3 Machinist positions starting at $55.74/hour. Only employees in City job titles in this bargaining unit are eligible to bid. Click here to apply.

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Additional Resources

New Program Connects Landlords and Vacant Apartments To Folks In Need

Chicago Rents is a program that connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs, allowing property partners to receive guaranteed rent, fill vacant units, and access individualized support. Chicago Rents is a program that was created in response to COVID-19 to centralize property partner relationships across multiple housing programs. Through Chicago Rents, property partners are connected with Chicagoans in need of housing, filling unit vacancies and making a real difference in Chicago's neighborhoods. For additional information, please visit:


If you are a landlord interested in joining the Chicago Rents program, you can click here to apply.

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Reproductive Justice

If you know someone looking for reproductive justice resources in Chicago, they can go to this Department of Public Health resource page to use the City’s digital community resource directory. There is also a free talkline (1-888-493-0092) where operators are available to share information on various reproductive justice options. 

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2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622



 Monday 1 pm - 7 pm |  Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm

Wednesday 1 pm - 5 pm | Thursday 10 am - 5 pm

Friday 9 am - 3 pm