✳️ ¡Mira mis reflexiones 2023 para el Distrito 26!

Por si aún no lo saben, me complace dar la bienvenida a Ciere Boatright como nuevo Comisario del Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo (DPD). El DPD supervisa las políticas de zonificación y uso del suelo de la ciudad y emplea una variedad de recursos para fomentar el desarrollo empresarial e inmobiliario, la conservación histórica, los frentes marítimos accesibles, los barrios transitables y las mejoras de la comunidad. Por eso es tan especial contar en el liderazgo con una nativa de Chicago con diversas trayectorias profesionales. Estoy impaciente por trabajar con ella en esta nueva era de desarrollo urbano equitativo.

El martes, asistí a la ceremonia de corte de cinta en Ivy Hall, el primer dispensario en el Distrito 26. Con un 61% de propietarios negros, Ivy Hall marca un hito importante en el camino de nuestra comunidad hacia un acceso equitativo a los recursos del cannabis. El hecho de que este dispensario sea mayoritariamente propiedad de negros habla de los progresos que estamos haciendo para hacer frente a las desigualdades sistémicas y potenciar las voces subrepresentadas en la industria del cannabis. Este negocio no sólo representa una inversión en nuestra economía local y nuestros corredores de negocios, sino también la desestigmatización del consumo de cannabis;

Ivy Hall se encuentra en 3115 W. Armitage y estarán abiertos de 9am-9pm de lunes a jueves, de 9am-10pm los viernes y sábados, y de 10am-6pm los domingos. Si usted tiene una tarjeta de marihuana medicinal, puede disfrutar de un 25% de descuento los lunes. 

El jueves tuve el placer de visitar las instalaciones del mHUB. Estas instalaciones ofrecen un espacio para que los miembros de la comunidad de todo tipo experimenten, inventen y creen. Me quedé realmente fascinada no sólo con lo que estaba viendo durante la visita, sino también con la información y las estadísticas que me proporcionaron, como la asistencia a 500 nuevas empresas en los últimos 6,5 años. Con más de 1200 miembros, mHUB ha demostrado ser un activo positivo para la comunidad. Por ejemplo, durante la visita conocí su Landis Fellowship, que ofrece a los contratistas una formación de seis meses sobre desarrollo técnico y personal, cómo negociar contratos y cómo ponerlos en contacto con empresas locales. Tengo muchas ganas de ver crecer este espacio y, a medida que crezca, ver cómo ofrece cada vez más a todos los habitantes de Chicago.

El viernes, mi Jefa de Personal Juanita García y la Asistente Legislativa Marie Snyder pudieron asistir a los discursos del Gobierno Estudiantil de la Escuela Charter Erie. Informaron que los discursos fueron poderosos, y los estudiantes recibieron a los candidatos con vítores y entusiasmo. Participar en el gobierno estudiantil es vital para entender nuestros deberes cívicos, y estos jóvenes no decepcionaron. Felicitaciones a la nueva lista de oficiales de Erie: Presidenta Darielle, Vicepresidenta Frida, Secretaria Tia, Tesoreros Ariel & Azael, e Historiadores Layla & Kayla.

Por último, quiero compartir con todos ustedes una colección de "Reflexiones 2023 desde el Distrito 26". 2023 será un año que nunca olvidaré. Fui elegido para servir como Concejal del Distrito 26, celebré mi primer aniversario con mi hermosa esposa, y aprobamos Un Salario Justo en el Concejo Municipal.

¡Lea mi reflexión completa sobre 2023 aquí, en mi sitio web the26thward.org!

Su concejal del distrito 26,

Jessie Fuentes

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26th Ward Office Updates

Valentines Senior Celebration

Join us for a Valentine Senior Celebration where we will be providing our seniors with brunch, health screenings, vaccines, music, raffles and senior resources. This will take place on February 13th from 10am to 2pm at the St. Aloysius Theile Center (1510 N. Claremont).

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26th Ward Snow Shoveling Program

We are recruiting for our 26th Ward Snow Shoveling Program. We will pair seniors and neighbors with disabilities with volunteers who will help keep our Ward safe and walkable by shoveling snow. I invite you to let us know if you are in need of help OR are someone who is willing to volunteer. Our office will reach out to match volunteers with an individual in their area who is in need of support. Complete the Google Form here: bit.ly/snowprogram26.

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Connect with the 26th Ward Office

Ward Hours

The 26th ward office is located at 2511 W. Division StStarting this week, our office's new regular hours of operation are as follows:

  • Monday 1 pm - 7 pm*
  • Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 10 am - 5 pm.

*Ward Night: Monday's 5 pm - 7 pm

Ward Nights

Ward nights are an opportunity to meet with Alderperson Fuentes to talk to her about local or city issues and they take place every Monday from 5pm - 7pm. Ward night meetings are by appointment only and on a first come, first served basis.


If you would like to meet with Alderperson Fuentes during ward night, please call or email the ward office at 773-395-0143 or info@the26thward.org

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26th Ward Youth Council 

We are excited to inspire our young people to get involved in government and organize in the community. If you are a youth (12-24 years old) that resides in the 26th Ward and wants to have a say in how we spend infrastructure money and what type of policies I champion, please sign up for our youth council by applying at bit.ly/youth26. Stay stunned for our next meeting date.


26th Ward Ambassadors

We are excited to announce the new 26th Ward Ambassadors program to build stronger connections with neighbors & spread the word about important resources. Join a community of neighbors ready to take action, attend educational workshops, and more. If you're interested in signing up, call our Ward Office at 773-395-0143 and ask for Juanita.

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Volunteer & Donate to Asylum Seekers

El Árbol is a new free store in Logan Square. Visit elarbolchicago.com to arrange donation drop offs or to signup for a volunteer shift.


Donations of winter clothing and supplies for asylum seekers can also be dropped off at our office (2511 W Division St). Winter coats, blankets, winter gear and sleeping bags are especially in need.

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26th Ward Zoning

The 26th Ward community-driven zoning process requires that anyone requesting a zoning change must first complete a zoning intake form. Once their intake form has been reviewed they are invited to present their zoning request to the 26th Ward Zoning Advisory Committee and must answer additional questions posed by the committee. When applicable, the person requesting a zoning change may also be required to present their zoning request to the broader public during a community input meeting. For more information, and to provide feedback on pending zoning requests, go to: the26thward.org/zoning

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Community Events

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Utility Assistance Workshop

Join State Representative Lilian Jimenez and get help filling out the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This workshop will take place on Saturday February 3rd, 10am-12pm at Alfred Nobel Language School (4127 W Hirsch).

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Bring Chicago Home Informational Webinar

Learn about the Bring Chicago Home ballot question at this informational zoom webinar which will break down the impact for Chicagoans. Click here to register for the webinar on Thursday, February 8th, at 6 pm.

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Premiere of "Champion" at Lyric Opera

Lyric Opera of Chicago invites you to experience the Chicago premiere of Terence Blanchard's Grammy-nominated Champion, "an opera in jazz." Inspired by the true story of legendary boxer Emile Griffith, Champion explores the fighter's decades-long guilt from defeating a challenger in the ring, who died from Griffith’s blows; and his desperately conflicted feelings regarding his own sexuality. Running through February 11th. Find details on the show and related events at lyricopera.org/champion.

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Tickets From the Blackhawks and Bulls

The Chicago Blackhawks is offering CPS staff and families exclusive ticket offers for the below games in February. Get your tickets here by clicking “view available games” and entering promo code CPS.

  • Blackhawks vs. Wild: Wednesday, February 7 at 8:30 p.m.
  • Blackhawks vs. Rangers: Friday, February 9 at 7:30 p.m.

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Phoenix Electric Grand Opening

Join Phoenix Electric as they celebrate moving into their new building in the 26th Ward. Food and drinks will be served. Plus, stop by to give input on a new mural proposal. Register here.

Public Notices

Rental Assistance 

The Rental Assistance Program (RAP) is a homeless prevention program that provides financial assistance to eligible Chicago residents who are at risk of becoming homeless. The program targets households who have had a documented loss of income. Because the program assists only those currently in housing, it is not designed to relocate homeless families from shelter to housing. For more information go to chicago.gov/fss/RAP.

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NEW Round of Community Development Grants

The Chicago Department of Planning and Development is accepting applications for Community Development Grants for more than $250,000 until February 16, 2024. Community Development Grants support small businesses, nonprofits and property owners for local commercial, mixed-use and light manufacturing development. These grant programs are open to businesses, nonprofits, community developers and property owners.


Click here to register for an upcoming webinar on February 1, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. If you or your organization is interested in applying, you can find more information at bit.ly/chicagocdg


Other financial incentives from the City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development:

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Public Safety Meetings

The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) has introduce a new and improved interactive calendar, which you can click here to access. One of the key features of this calendar is the inclusion of the yearly meeting calendar for both the Commission for Public Safety and your local District Councils. By simply visiting this website, you can find the dates, times, and locations of all scheduled meetings. 


14th Police District Beat Calendar


25th Police District Beat Calendar


Apply to Chicago's Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability

Are you passionate about public safety and police oversight and accountability? Your opportunity to make a difference is here! The District Council Nominating Committee will be accepting applications to fill the seven-member Commission from January 8, 2024-February 7, 2024. The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability is a seven-member body that oversees the Chicago Police Department (CPD), the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), and the Police Board. The Commission works to increase public safety, transparency, and community input into CPD, COPA, and Police Board operations, policies, and procedures. For more information go to: cityofchicago.org/chicagocommunitycommission.

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Apply to Vote by Mail

Chicago voters can now apply to Vote By Mail in the upcoming March 19, 2024 Presidential Primary Election. Click here to learn more and get started. Sign up online to join the Vote By Mail Permanent Roster and receive a mail ballot ahead of your preferred elections, by using this link.

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Learn about City Contracting Opportunities

The Department of Procurement Services provides opportunities to small, local, minorities, women, people with disabilities and veterans to ensure that the businesses that work on City contracts reflect the rich diversity of the City of Chicago. And they are now offering workshops
virtually. To register, sign-up at chicago.gov/dpsevents.

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Rodent Control Program Evaluation

The Chicago Office of Inspector General is evaluating the City's Rodent Control Program. If you have information you would like to share please reach out by March 1st. Contact OIG at 833-TALK-2-IG, igchicago.org, or talk2ig@igchicago.org.

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New EV Charger Rebate

As part of a larger investment to accelerate an equitable adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in northern Illinois, ComEd launched a new rebate program to increase access to EV chargers. Through the $5 million EV Charger and Installation Rebate Program, ComEd customers can receive rebates of up to $3,750 to offset the cost of purchasing and installing a Level 2 charger in their home in 2024. For more information on application requirements, and to apply, visit ComEd.com/clean.

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Ballot Initiative Info: Bring Chicago Home

The Bring Chicago Home (BCH) initiative seeks to restructure the Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) to generate dedicated funds for permanent affordable housing, with voters deciding on this initiative on March 19, 2024. The proposal involves decreasing taxes for properties under $1 million and increasing them for properties exceeding $1 million. Click here to read the language on the referendum. If you have any questions, please contact our office.

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Humboldt Park Cleaning Dates

Get Involved

Serve as a Poll Watcher

I encourage you to apply to become an election day judge in the 26th ward. We aim to fill all judge vacancies in our polling locations, to ensure a transparent and vibrant electoral experience for our community. This paid position offers a great opportunity to support our democratic process. Reach out to the 26th ward staff with any questions or to express your interest!


Office location:  2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622

  • Monday 1 pm - 5 pm*
  • Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am - 5 p
  • Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 10 am - 5 pm

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DNC Vendor Interest Form

The Democratic National Convention is coming to Chicago August 19-22, 2024, and hopes to showcase our city and state’s wonderful, diverse vendors and partners. By utilizing the best local businesses across a range of service sectors, the Host Committee seeks to ensure that Illinoisans are able to experience the benefits of this Convention. If you are interested in contracting with the Host Committee, DNCC, or with ancillary events surrounding the week of the Convention, please complete the Vendor Interest Form. If you are an Event Venue/Restaurant Operator interested in hosting 2024 DNC and affiliated events, please also complete the Venue Portal Form when prompted at the end of this process.

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Run for your Local School Council

As a former educator, I recognize the pivotal role that parental and community involvement plays in shaping a child's education. Research consistently highlights the positive impact of such engagement, leading to improved academic performance, attendance, and enhanced self-esteem for students. Local School Councils (LSCs) are instrumental in this regard, overseeing crucial aspects such as evaluating school principals, approving budgets, and endorsing improvement plans. In the 26th ward, I am dedicated to ensuring that every school benefits from a robust and complete LSC. Your participation in these councils is vital to sustaining the seamless operation of daily school functions. I encourage you to consider running for the LSC, as your input can contribute significantly to the educational landscape of our community. LSC elections are scheduled for April 10 at elementary schools and April 11 at high schools. The deadline to submit your application is February 8, 2024, at 3 pm. Visit cps.edu/lsc to learn more and apply.

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Become an LSC Election Judge

You could earn $275 a day working as a LSC Election Judge. Chicago Public Schools is looking for election judges for the Spring 2024 Local School Council Elections. Elections will be conducted in person at individual schools in April. For more information, contact the office of LSC relations at 773-553-1400 or email Iscrelations@cps.edu.

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Job Opportunities

Apply to be a Park District Lifeguard

Apply Now to be a Chicago Park District Summer Lifeguard!
Complete three easy steps: (1) Apply (2) Take the swim test (3) Get hired. Get a $50 Amazon gift card for taking the test, and $400 for completing the training. Must be a Chicago resident age 16 or older by July 1, 2024. Enjoy a summer job in the parks! Apply now at chicagoparkdistrict.com/lifeguards/CPS.

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Cook County Sheriff's Office

The Cook County Sheriff's office is now hiring multiple positions. Apply now at cookcountysheriff.org.

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Construction and Building Trades Pre- Apprenticeship

Are you interested in a career in Construction and the Building Trades? Illinois Works has a FREE Pre-apprenticeship program starting in February. This program offers wrap-around services, stipends, industry recognized certifications and more. For more information contact Rincon Family Services at the number listed on the flyer. 

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Hiring at Casa Central

Apply to be a Home Care Aide at Casa Central. Training is provided and there is a $500 sign-on bonus. Learn more at casacentral.org/careers.

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CPS Job Fair

The Chicago Public Schools Talent Office is hosting the monthly CPS Job Paraprofessional Fair on Thursday, February 8, 2024 from 10:00am - 1:00pm at Garfield Park (Gymnasium) - 2651 West Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612. Members of the community are encouraged to apply for positions within CPS in the area in which they live at www.cps.edu/careers.

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School to Work Program for Young Adults

Bridges is a program that assists young adults in Chicago with job readiness, work maturity skills, job search, interviewing skills, entry level job placement, retention, and follow‐up. For more information go to bridgestowork.org.

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CNA Career Pathway Class

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Other Career Opportunities

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Additional Resources

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New Program Connects Landlords and Vacant Apartments To Folks In Need

Chicago Rents is a program that connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs, allowing property partners to receive guaranteed rent, fill vacant units, and access individualized support. Chicago Rents is a program that was created in response to COVID-19 to centralize property partner relationships across multiple housing programs. Through Chicago Rents, property partners are connected with Chicagoans in need of housing, filling unit vacancies and making a real difference in Chicago's neighborhoods. For additional information, please visit: allchicago.org/chicagorents.


If you are a landlord interested in joining the Chicago Rents program, you can click here to apply.

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Reproductive Justice

If you know someone looking for reproductive justice resources in Chicago, they can go to this Department of Public Health resource page to use the City’s digital community resource directory. There is also a free talkline (1-888-493-0092) where operators are available to share information on various reproductive justice options. 

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2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622



 Monday 1 pm - 7 pm |  Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm

Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm | Thursday 10 am - 5 pm

Friday 10 am - 5 pm