Lo más destacado de la semana pasada - ¡Feliz jubilación, Angie!


Estimados vecinos,

Angie Rickwalt, que ha dedicado más de 27 años a la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago y casi dos años como Bibliotecaria IV-Directora de la sucursal de Humboldt Park, se embarca ahora en un nuevo capítulo en Seattle. Durante su mandato se creó el Comité del Orgullo y se reactivó el Comité del Patrimonio Nativo Americano, entre otras muchas contribuciones. Angie también fue miembro de nuestro Comité de Seguridad Comunitaria, lo que ejemplifica aún más su compromiso con el bienestar de la comunidad. Su dedicación al fomento de las relaciones, en particular con la comunidad puertorriqueña, y sus esfuerzos por innovar servicios como la bicicleta-libro han dejado una huella imborrable. Ahora que Angie se traslada a Seattle, le deseamos lo mejor en sus nuevas tareas, seguros de que seguirá inspirando e impactando a su nueva comunidad tan profundamente como lo hizo aquí.

La congresista Delia Ramírez y el Proyecto Resurrección organizó sesiones informativas sobre el anuncio del Presidente Biden de ampliar las protecciones para cónyuges y Dreamers. Junto con funcionarios locales, respondieron preguntas y escucharon las esperanzas y preocupaciones de los vecinos que esperan alivio. Estamos muy contentos por estos cambios luchado duro, y estamos a la espera de los próximos pasos. Si bien la solicitud aún no está abierta, la Oficina de Distrito de la Congresista Ramírez está ofreciendo apoyo con la comprensión de los hechos. Llame al 773-799-8219 para programar una reunión para responder a las preguntas que pueda tener acerca de estos cambios.

El sábado, el Distrito de Parques de Chicago plantó un roble rojo dedicado en honor de Roberto Miguel Tañón, copropietario de La Bruquena. La contribución de Tañón a las ligas de béisbol de Humboldt Park ha sido inestimable. Desde el entrenamiento hasta el patrocinio, su amor por el béisbol, los jóvenes y Humboldt Park no tiene parangón. Él no sólo proporciona una hoja de ruta para el éxito de los jóvenes en el campo de béisbol, sino que también trae los sabores más auténticos y platos favoritos de nuestra isla a La Division, Humboldt Park, y Chicago a través de su restaurante, La Bruquena. Roberto, felicidades y gracias por tu amor y servicio continuo. ¡Pa'Lante!

El domingo, tuve el privilegio de caminar en el Desfile del Orgullo de Chicago como miembro del Caucus LGBTQ+. Ser un líder queer boricua en nuestra ciudad es una responsabilidad que llevo con gran orgullo. Es un testimonio del progreso que hemos hecho y un recordatorio del trabajo que queda por hacer. Juntos, podemos seguir abogando por la inclusión, celebrar nuestras raíces ricas y diversas, y garantizar que todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad se sientan vistos, escuchados y valorados.

Como propietarios de restaurantes, los hermanos Elizabeth y Rafael de Bianca's Burgers saben lo importante que es apoyar a sus trabajadores. Ellos mismos, trabajadores de la hostelería desde hace mucho tiempo, han visto lo que ocurre cuando tienes que estirar un salario por debajo del mínimo y soportar el acoso sexual por miedo a perder las propinas. Elizabeth y Rafael entienden que los salarios dignos sustentan la cultura y el clima, y por eso han diseñado su modelo de negocio para pagar a sus empleados el salario mínimo íntegro con propinas por encima. Este negocio local es la prueba de que Un Salario Justo ya está funcionando.

Nuestra becaria de Mikva, Da'Niya, estuvo presente en la rueda de prensa del lunes y he aquí su reflexión: "En la conferencia de prensa aprendí mucho acerca de por qué esta Ordenanza era extremadamente importante para la comunidad y cómo muchos concejales, incluyendo al Concejal Fuentes, velan por la comunidad proporcionando a las personas oportunidades para un futuro más exitoso. ¡Esto va a cambiar la vida de las personas que sirven y trabajan en la industria alimentaria y, como alguien que ha trabajado en esa industria antes, fue realmente un cambio de vida para ver un buen cambio sucediendo y que se está haciendo por personas que parecen realmente preocuparse por el bienestar de los trabajadores en toda la ciudad! Espero asistir a más ruedas de prensa en el futuro, especialmente a las que marquen diferencias positivas que cambien vidas en la ciudad".

Apoyar a los trabajadores, especialmente a los jóvenes, es mi prioridad. Me enorgullece ver en acción la legislación que apoyo. Para obtener más recursos sobre todos los cambios laborales realizados el 1 de julio, visite bit.ly/knowyourrights26.

Su Concejal del Distrito 26,

Jessie Fuentes

Congresswoman Delia Ramirez and the Resurrection Project hosted info sessions about President Biden's announcement of expanded protections for spouses and Dreamers. Joined by local officials, they answered questions and heard the hopes and concerns of neighbors waiting for relief. We are excited for these hard fought changes, and are awaiting next steps. While the application is not yet open, Congresswoman Ramirez's District Office is offering support with understanding the facts. Call 773-799-8219 to schedule a meeting to answer questions you may have about these changes.

On Saturday, the Chicago Park District planted a red oak tree dedicated in honor of Roberto Miguel Tañón, co-owner of La Bruquena. Tañón’s contributions to the baseball leagues in Humboldt Park have been invaluable. From coaching to sponsorships, his love for baseball, young people, and Humboldt Park is unparalleled. He not only provides a roadmap to success for young people on the baseball field but also brings the most authentic flavors and favorite dishes of our island to La Division, Humboldt Park, and Chicago through his restaurant, La Bruquena. Roberto, congratulations and thank you for your love and continued service. ¡Pa'Lante!

On Sunday, I had the privilege of walking in the Chicago Pride Parade as a member of the LGBTQ+ Caucus. Being a queer Boricua leader in our city is a responsibility I carry with great pride. It is a testament to the progress we have made and a reminder of the work still ahead. Together, we can continue to advocate for inclusivity, celebrate our rich and diverse roots, and ensure that every member of our community feels seen, heard, and valued.

As restaurant owners, siblings Elizabeth and Rafael of Bianca's Burgers know how important it is to support their workers. Longtime hospitality workers themselves, they've seen what happens when you have to make a subminimum wage stretch and endure sexual harassment in fear of losing tips. Elizabeth and Rafael understand that living wages sustain culture and climate, which is why they have designed their business model to pay their employees the full minimum wage with tips on top. This local business is evidence that One Fair Wage is already working!

Our Mikva intern Da'Niya was present at Monday's press conference and here is reflection: "At the press conference I learned a lot about why this Ordinance was extremely important to the community and how many alderpeople, including Alderperson Fuentes, look out for the community by providing people with opportunities for a more successful future. This will change lives for the people serving and working in the food industry and as someone who has worked in that industry before, it was really life altering to see good change happening and it being done by people who seem to genuinely care about the well-being of workers throughout the city! I hope to attend more press conferences in the future, especially those making positive life changing differences within the city."
Supporting workers, especially youth workers, is my priority. I am proud to see legislation I support in action. For more resources regarding all of the labor changes made on July 1st, visit bit.ly/knowyourrights26

The Supreme Court's recent decision to ban sleeping outdoors is deeply troubling, particularly in this time of record numbers of people experiencing homelessness. This ban violates basic human rights and does not address root causes to poverty and mental health. I continue to work tirelessly advocating for dignified solutions for our unhoused neighbors because I believe everyone deserves safe shelter. Now more than even, I again encourage you to add your name to our petition calling on the City of Chicago to invest in a non-congregate shelter in Humboldt Park. I will continue to share updates on efforts, and hope to see you at Palenque LSNA's upcoming teach-in (see details in the Community Events section).

My office is committed to serving every resident and meeting them where they are. We will be taking a much needed break and will return Monday, July 8 at 2pm refreshed and ready as ever. In the meantime, if you would like to set up a Ward Night appointment, please email to info@the26thward.org.

In Solidarity,

Alderperson Jessie Fuentes

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26th Ward Office Updates

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26th Ward Office Hours 

The 26th Ward office is located at 2511 W. Division St. Our office's regular hours of operation are as follows:


*The office will be closed every day from 1-2pm for lunch*

  • Monday 2 pm - 5 pm*
  • Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday 9 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 9 am - 5 pm.

*Ward Night: Mondays 5 pm - 7 pm

Ward Night

Join Alder Fuentes for a pop-up Ward Night at Mozart Park on July 15th from 5-7pm. This meeting will focus on addressing the needs of residents of the Armitage Commons. No appointment is needed!

Ward Nights are an opportunity to meet with Alderperson Fuentes about local or city issues. Meetings take place every Monday between 5pm - 7pm, are by appointment only, and available on a first come, first served basis.


If you would like to meet with Alderperson Fuentes during Ward Night, please call or email the ward office at 773-395-0143 or info@the26thward.org

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Humboldt Park Boulevard Landmark District Community Meeting

You are invited to a community meeting on Thursday, July 18th at 6pm to discuss a proposed extension of the Logan Square Boulevards Landmark District from Humboldt Blvd & Cortland to Sacramento & Augusta Blvd.


The Logan Square Boulevards Historic District is a significant part of our community's history and character. Learn more about the current Logan Square Boulevards Landmark District at bit.ly/historiclogan.


This meeting is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and ask questions so that community input is centered in decision-making.

Scan the QR code to RSVP or go to: bit.ly/landmarkmeet18.


Join the Call for a New Non-Congregate Shelter in Humboldt Park!

As the Alderperson of the 26th Ward, I believe it is imperative that we seek compassionate solutions for the issues that affect all residents of the 26th Ward, including our unhoused neighbors in Humboldt Park.

Non-congregate shelters offer safer, more dignified living conditions than congregate shelters by providing individual rooms that grant privacy and autonomy to individuals experiencing homelessness. 

By establishing a non-congregate shelter in Humboldt Park, we can address immediate needs while working towards long-term solutions for affordable housing and housing stability. By supporting this community initiative, we can work towards ensuring that all residents have access to safe shelter. Join me by adding your name to this petition if you want the City of Chicago to invest in a non-congregate shelter in Humboldt Park.

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Confirmed CDOT and Menu Construction

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Street Sweeping Map & Schedule 

Street sweeping takes place between April and November. Click map to enlarge.

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26th Ward Zoning

The 26th Ward community-driven zoning process requires that anyone requesting a zoning change must first complete a zoning intake form. Once their intake form has been reviewed they are invited to present their zoning request to the 26th Ward Zoning Advisory Committee and must answer additional questions posed by the committee. When applicable, the person requesting a zoning change may also be required to present their zoning request to the broader public during a community input meeting.

We are currently reviewing zoning change requests for the following properties. You are invited to provide feedback at: the26thward.org/zoning.

  • 2541 West Walton St
  • 3017 N. Armitage Ave

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Community Events for Youth

ChiArts Summer Camp  

ChiArts has announced their summer camp for 6-8th graders from July 8th - 26th. For more information regarding their summer camp, please email summercamp@chiarts.org

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BUILD's Ride for Peace

BUILD's Ride for Peace will meet at Little Cubs Field on Saturday, July 13. All ages welcome! Register now to secure your shirt

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Youth Leader Activation Summit

Join the Mayor's Youth Commission for the 2024 Youth Leader Activation Summit on Saturday, August 3rd at UIC Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted from 12-3pm. Youth ages 14-19 can register HERE

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Back to School Bash

Save the Date for the 26th Ward's Back to School Bash on Tuesday, August 13 at North-Grand High School, 4338 W Wabansia!

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GoSTEM Programming

Visit thegostem.org for more information

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Chicago Youth Centers is Now Enrolling

Are you looking for a Head Start and/or Early Head Start child program? Look no further as Chicago Youth Centers has launched their enrollment application! To enrolled your children please click here.

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Community Events

New Life Centers: Beloved Community Bash

New Life Center is hosting a series of Community Bashes! Stop by for free food, resources music and fun activities for the youth!

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El Corillo Original de Humboldt Park

El Corillo Original de Humboldt Park is playing every Sunday throughout the summer. Free to all!


To donate, contact Ellie at 312-597-5188

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Harmony in the Park!

FREE CONCERT presented by Chicago a cappella on Thursday, July 11 at 7:30 pm at the Humboldt Park Boathouse. Bring your lawn chairs!  Chicago a capella returns to Humboldt Park neighborhood for a performance featuring selections from our History of Harmony program with nature as their backdrop.

You can learn more about the event and CAC here.

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Tree Ambassador Training

We have partnered with the Chicago Muslims Green Team to recruit and train up to 30 Humboldt Park residents to become Tree Ambassadors. According to data collected and published by the Chicago Region Tree Initiative, Humboldt Park is considered a tree desert. Through this collective and equitable effort, Humboldt Park can contribute to Chicago's growing tree canopy and goal of planting 75,000 trees by 2026.


Trees are vital in combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They also provide natural cooling for homes, reducing the need for air conditioning and lowering energy costs. By participating, you are making a meaningful contribution to reducing carbon emissions, and future generations will appreciate the positive impact on our environment.


If you live in Humboldt Park and are interested in being a Tree Ambassador, register at: bit.ly/2024TAHP.

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Project Vida's Latiné/x Health Summit

Project Vida & the Chicago Department of Public Health present Latiné/x Health Summit, featuring fun and informative speakers and for the LGBTQ community. They are partnering with over 15 local organizations to provide resources for our underserved communities. For more information please click here.

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Rally for Housing Stability

Join us Tuesday, July 16th for a teach-in and rally for housing stability on the northwest side! Learn about housing justice and show your support for preserving our community's character and affordability. Together, we can ensure equitable development that benefits everyone.


Support the introduction of the Northwest Preservation Ordinance, learn about proposed policies to combat gentrification, and rally with community members and local leaders to demand housing justice. You presence and support are vital! For more info, email cdiaz@palenquelsna.org

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E-Commerce Bootcamp

This workshop is a collaboration between mHUB, West Side Forward, and Rosemint Media. It will equip business owners with knowledge and topline takeaways to jumpstart or scale their e-commerce business. Attendees will have a clear understanding of e-commerce fundamentals, how to build and optimize an online store, effective digital marketing strategies, and best practices for managing sales and customer service. Note: attendees must commit to the full boot camp to participate.


This workshop is free for West Side residents in Austin, North Lawndale, Humboldt Park, and Garfield Park. Register here

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Bicicletas 4 Belmont Cragin

Northwest Center is organizing a community bike ride on Saturday, July 27. Divvy bikes will be available! Register here

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Public Notices

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Encuentro Square Waitlist is Open!

The Encuentro Square affordable housing development located at the west end of the 606 trail (1844 N Ridgeway) is scheduled to open later this year and will include 89 affordable apartments for those making less than 60% AMI.

If you need help with the CHA online application, come to one of the events listed on the flyer above. No appointment needed.


There will be two waitlists for units and applicants are encouraged to sign up on both waitlists when they open.


Evergreen’s Waitlist

Send an email to encuentrosquare@evergreenreg.com and you will be notified via email when the waitlist opens so you can apply.


CHA’s Waitlist - NOW OPEN

To sign up for CHA’s waitlist, visit https://applyonline.thecha.org/ and either select to submit a new application or update their existing application. When selecting a waitlist, search Project Based Voucher and select Encuentro Square

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Emergency Supplemental Victims Fund

The Emergency Supplemental Victims Fund (ESVF) provides economic relief to victims and survivors of gunshot wounds and homicides. ESVF has now expanded to 15 priority communities with the highest levels of violence.

Who qualifies?
•Victims or family members of victims who have suffered non-fatal gunshot wounds or homicide in the calendar year
•The incident occurred in one of the 15 communities listed
•Victim is a resident of one of the 15 communities who was victimized within the City of Chicago
•Families of people 24 years of age or younger who have been victims of homicide in the City of Chicago
•Victims and applicants must have proof of residency in the City of Chicago

You must work with a victim advocate from one of the funded delegate organizations that administers the program. See chicago.gov/ESVF for the complete list of funded organizations.

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Chicago City Key Appointments Now Open!

Follow these simple steps to schedule an appointment on the City Clerk's new #CityKey appointment system, www.getcitykey.com 🔑

For more information, visit their CityKey FAQ: https://bit.ly/NewCkApptSystem

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Reducing Vacancies

Reducing vacancies in neighborhood business districts will support and revitalize neighborhood business districts. Let’s transform vacant properties into thriving small businesses. For more information contact the Small Business Advocacy Council.

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City Grants Open for Manufacturers

TIFWorks Manufacturing Program is available in the Northwest Industrial Corridor. TIFWorks is actively accepting applications from manufacturers looking to train current employees and/or new hires. Manufacturing companies in the Northwest Industrial and Pulaski Industrial TIFs can apply.

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Small Business Advocacy Council: We Rise Grant Program

This program identifies small businesses that wish to expand into brick-and-mortar spaces in one of the following neighborhoods: Auburn Gresham, Austin, Back of the Yards, Englewood, Gage Park, North Lawndale, South Lawndale, South Shore, Washington Park, and West Lawn.


The We Rise Grant Program will be providing eligible businesses coaching and educational services. They also work to connect businesses with the owners of vacant commercial properties, and provide funds these businesses can use to facilitate their transition into vacant properties. For more information about the program please reach out too Natalia Borowska at natalia@sbacil.org.

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Small Business Advocacy Council: Fill Your Space

There are far too many vacant commercial properties in disinvested neighborhoods. The goal of the Small Business Advocacy Council is to support property owners struggling to fill their commercial spaces by connecting them with potential tenants with the knowledge and resources to transition into a brick-and-mortar space. 


This program will:

  • Identify small businesses that wish to expand into brick-and-mortar spaces

  • Provide eligible businesses coaching and educational services.

  • Connect businesses with the owners of vacant commercial properties.

  • Provide funds these businesses can use to facilitate their transition into vacant properties. 


To learn more reach out to the Small Business Advocacy Council at (312) 548-8608 or email Natalia at natalia@sbacil.org

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Request a Free Tree 

Trees provide numerous health benefits and can help our communities be more resilient to the impact of climate events and reduce greenhouse gasses, one of the leading causes of climate change. Request a free parkway tree by calling 3-1-1, on the mobile CHI311 app, or by visiting www.311.chicago.gov/s/article/Tree-planting

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Free Bounce House Rental

Each year, the Jumping Jack Program delights children across Chicago. This inflatable playground, provided by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, is available for FREE and runs  from Saturday, May 25 through Sunday, September 1, 2024. Please visit their website here for more information.

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Public Safety Meetings

The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) has introduced a new and improved interactive calendar, which you can click here to access. One of the key features of this calendar is the inclusion of the yearly meeting calendar for both the Commission for Public Safety and your Local District Councils. By simply visiting this website, you can find the dates, times, and locations of all scheduled meetings. 


14th Police District Council

Join elected District Councilors every first Saturday of the month at 1pm to work for better police accountability, restorative justice, and evidence based approaches to public safety. Please sign up at bit.ly/do14news for Councilor David Orlikoff's newsletter or email David.Orlikoff@cityofchicago.org with questions.


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Humboldt Condo Now Listed

The Chicago Housing Trust still has one  2 bedroom condo at 1508 N. Harding near North and Pulaski. These condos are restricted to households making under 100% of the area median income.

Live in a beautifully renovated 100-year-old Chicago 6-flat with a huge yard, five minutes to Humboldt Park, a short bike ride to the 606/Bloomingdale Trail, and 2 blocks from the North and Pulaski bus lines.

Contact 1508nharding@gmail.com or call/text Denise Reyes at (773) 391-1960 for details. Click here to apply.

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Garbage and Recycling Reminders

Sign up to receive your trash and recycling pickup schedule and reminders (holidays, recycling events, bulky item pickup) emailed to you by using Recycle by City. Severe weather and holidays can affect the collection schedule. In the event of a delay, please leave your carts out until they have been collected. For missed pickups, please call 311.

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Residential Electronics Recycling

See the flyer for information on drop-off locations for electronics ranging from computers and TVs to printers and game consoles.

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Vaccine and Microchip Clinics 

Animal Care and Control is also offering Vaccine and Microchip Clinics for dogs now through July. See the dates, locations, and details above. 

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Don't Let a Tick Make You Sick! 

If you find a tick, don't panic! IDPH has released an infographic to demonstrate the proper protocol for removing ticks from oneself, family, friend, and even your furry friends. To learn more about tick prevention and removal and other pest control information please visit IDPH Site here.

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Introductory Guide to City Services

If you want to learn how to access city resources and take an active role in your community, you can download our Introductory Guide to City Services. The guide includes steps to submit an infrastructure request, host a community event, get immigration, re-entry or domestic violence support, find your elected officials, and engage with various city departments. It also provides information on how to access critical services.

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Job Opportunities

Chicago Public Schools Job Fair

You are invited to attend the CPS Job Fair for candidates interested in becoming a paraprofessional, substitute paraprofessional or substitute teacher with Chicago Public Schools. Register today

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Chicago Youth Centers is Hiring

Chicago Youth Center is opening two new centers and are seeking to fill various vacancies. For more information regarding the different available positions please click here. 

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Explore Careers in Renewable Energy

Explore Careers in Renewable Energy by signing up for a free course at Wright College's Humboldt Park Campus. Calles start in September. For more information email the Arturo Velasquez Institute at
ncortes18@ccc.edu. Apply now by clicking this link. Only 25 seats are available.


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Landis Hardtech Development Fellowship 

Are you a woman, Black, or Latine HardTech entrepreneur, product development specialist, or engineering contractor looking to freelance in the gig economy? Apply for this fellowship to access a pipeline of paid contractor work and get access to $6M worth of prototyping equipment, workshops, and a potential pipeline of paid contract work. Learn more here.

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School to Work Program for Young Adults

Bridges is a program that assists young adults in Chicago with job readiness, work maturity skills, job search, interviewing skills, entry level job placement, retention, and follow‐up. For more information go to bridgestowork.org.

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Career Opportunities with the City

🔎Zoom in to see 40+ job openings with the City of Chicago

Contact the Human Resources Hotline at (312) 744-4976 or  HumanResources@cityofchicago.org

The Office of Emergency Management & Communication is hiring a Traffic Aide. You can learn more about the position here.

Visit www.chicago.gov/careers to discover your next career move today!

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Additional Resources

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Life Impacters:Food Pantry 

LIF (Life Impacters Foundation), operates as a beacon of support and change on the vibrant greater west side of Chicago, nestled within Cook County, Illinois. LIF offers a comprehensive array of multi-social services aimed at uplifting the community. 

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New Program Connects Landlords and Vacant Apartments To Folks In Need

Chicago Rents is a program that connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs, allowing property partners to receive guaranteed rent, fill vacant units, and access individualized support. Chicago Rents is a program that was created in response to COVID-19 to centralize property partner relationships across multiple housing programs. Through Chicago Rents, property partners are connected with Chicagoans in need of housing, filling unit vacancies and making a real difference in Chicago's neighborhoods. For additional information, please visit: allchicago.org/chicagorents.


If you are a landlord interested in joining the Chicago Rents program, you can click here to apply.

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Reproductive Justice

If you know someone looking for reproductive justice resources in Chicago, they can go to this Department of Public Health resource page to use the City’s digital community resource directory. There is also a free talkline (1-888-493-0092) where operators are available to share information on various reproductive justice options. 

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2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622



*Office is closed every day from 1-2 pm for lunch*

 Monday 2 pm - 7 pm |  Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm | Thursday 9 am - 5 pm

Friday 9 am - 5 pm