Nuevo año, nuevas formas de participar en el distrito 26 👋

Estas dos últimas semanas han sido energizantes. Pude disfrutar de un tiempo libre con mi maravillosa esposa en Cozumel, México. A mi regreso, asistí a algunos actos del Día de Reyes en el barrio. Cientos de niños, acompañados de sus padres, recibieron regalos que iban desde juguetes hasta bicicletas y libros para colorear. Quiero dar las gracias a San Lucas, al Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño y a La Sandwichera por organizar estos alegres actos en nuestra comunidad.

También visité algunas empresas del distrito. Vipul Bhagat, co-propietario de Skyline Design ubicado en 1240 N. Homan, me dio un recorrido por las instalaciones. Skyline Design es un fabricante de vidrio que vive en Humboldt Park desde hace más de 40 años. Esta empresa familiar no se limita a diseñar vibrantes vidrios personalizados y a enviar ventanas de cristal a todo el mundo, sino que elabora obras maestras para todos los rincones de la vida, desde relucientes fachadas de hospital hasta puertas de ducha bañadas por el sol y llenas de color. Skyline Design también emplea a más de 80 personas en el barrio y colabora con Association House y Catholic Charities para tender puentes hacia los talentos locales. Para más información sobre Skyline Design, visite su sitio web:

También tuve la oportunidad de visitar la guardería Kimball y leer a más de veinte niños pequeños. Durante más de 35 años, la Guardería Kimball ha trabajado al servicio de los niños de Humboldt Park proporcionando un enfoque integrado de la educación. La Guardería Kimball ofrece programas Early Head Start que ayudan a los niños pequeños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años, y a sus familias a prepararse para tener éxito en la escuela a través de programas locales. Estos programas promueven el desarrollo de los niños a través de servicios que apoyan el aprendizaje temprano, la salud y el bienestar familiar. Para más información sobre la guardería, visite su sitio web aquí.

Este tiempo gélido ha traído sus desafíos para todos nosotros. Hubo varios camiones de basura que no funcionaban lo que causó retrasos en la recogida de basura. Calles y Sanitations estará trabajando durante el fin de semana para asegurarse de que toda la basura es recogida. Si usted mantiene sus carros de basura en su patio, asegúrese de colocarlo en el callejón, especialmente si su basura no fue recogida. Este frío también es inseguro especialmente para nuestros vecinos sin vivienda. Este fin de semana caminé por todo el parque e informé y animé a nuestros vecinos sin vivienda a ir al centro de calentamiento de New Life Covenant Church ubicado en 2704 W. North Ave. El centro de calentamiento de emergencia funciona cuando la temperatura es de 15 grados o menos. Las horas de operación son de 7pm - 7am.

Me gustaría terminar animando a cualquiera que pueda y quiera considerar ser juez electoral el 19 de marzo. La Junta Electoral está buscando cubrir 103 vacantes de juez en el Distrito 26. Se trata de un puesto remunerado y se ofrece formación. Se trata de un puesto remunerado y se ofrece formación. Si vamos a tener centros de votación operables en todo el Distrito 26, va a requerir un esfuerzo colectivo. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a y proporcionar su nombre completo y número de teléfono.

Su Concejal del Distrito 26,

Jessie Fuentes

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26th Ward Office Updates

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26th Ward Snow Shoveling Program

We are recruiting for our 26th Ward Snow Shoveling Program. We will pair seniors and neighbors with disabilities with volunteers who will help keep our Ward safe and walkable by shoveling snow. I invite you to let us know if you are in need of help OR are someone who is willing to volunteer. Our office will reach out to match volunteers with an individual in their area who is in need of support. Complete the Google Form here:

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We're Hiring!

My office is hiring a Director of Community Engagement and Communications. This director will lead community outreach and communication strategy for the 26th Ward office. Find a job description at To apply, send your resume and cover letter to


Valentines Day Celebration

Join us for a Valentine Senior Celebration where we will be providing our seniors with brunch, health screenings, vaccines, music, raffles and senior resources. This will take place on February 14th from 10am to 2pm at the St. Aloysius Theile Center (1510 N. Claremont).

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Connect with the 26th Ward Office

Ward Hours

The 26th Ward Office will be closed on Friday, January 19th due to a staff Mental Health First Aid training.


When the office is closed, please contact us with pressing concerns at


The 26th ward office is located at 2511 W. Division StStarting this week, our office's new regular hours of operation are as follows:

  • Monday 1 pm - 7 pm*
  • Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 10 am - 5 pm.

*Ward Night: Monday's 5 pm - 7 pm

Ward Nights

I'm hosting a special Ward Night on Monday, January 22nd at Yacht 57 (1750 N. California ) from 5:00-7:00pm.


Ward nights are an opportunity to meet with Alderperson Fuentes to talk to her about local or city issues and they take place every Monday from 5pm - 7pm. Ward night meetings are by appointment only and on a first come, first served basis.


If you would like to meet with Alderperson Fuentes during ward night, please call or email the ward office at 773-395-0143 or

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26th Ward Youth Council 

We are excited to inspire our young people to get involved in government and organize in the community. If you are a youth (12-24 years old) that resides in the 26th Ward and wants to have a say in how we spend infrastructure money and what type of policies I champion, please sign up for our youth council by applying at Stay stunned for our next meeting date.

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Winter Supplies Needed for Asylum Seekers

Donations of winter clothing and supplies for asylum seekers can be dropped off at our office (2511 W Division St) or any of the other drop off locations listed on the flyer above. Winter coats, blankets, winter gear and sleeping bags are especially in need.


Click here to purchase donation items.

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26th Ward Zoning

The 26th Ward community-driven zoning process requires that anyone requesting a zoning change must first complete a zoning intake form. Once their intake form has been reviewed they are invited to present their zoning request to the 26th Ward Zoning Advisory Committee and must answer additional questions posed by the committee. When applicable, the person requesting a zoning change may also be required to present their zoning request to the broader public during a community input meeting. For more information, and to provide feedback on pending zoning requests, go to:

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Community Events

Rental Rights Workshop

Join the Department of Housing for a presentation and resource fair to learn about Tenant and Landlord rights, responsibilities, resources, and regulations. This event will take place on January 27, 2024, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Truman College's O'Rourke Theater, 1145 W. Wilson Ave. Chicago, Il 60641.

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Teen Winter Art Challenge

Teen Winter Challenge is an art contest, open to Chicagoans between 13 and 19 years of age. It begins January 2nd and ends March 3rd. Submit a portfolio of 1-3 original works. Submissions can represent a variety of mediums including drawing, sculpture, photography, fashion and more. Apply at

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Open Gym

Rincon Family Services and New Life Community Church are hosting an open gym every Tuesday from 5-7pm at New Life Community Church at 1410 N Springfield Ave.

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Home Owner Seminars by Inherent

Inherent is hosting two upcoming seminars on Home Energy Savings (1/25/24) and New Build Home Buying (1/20/24). See the flyers above to learn more about these events and how to register. 

Public Notices

Rental Assistance 

The Rental Assistance Program (RAP) is a homeless prevention program that provides financial assistance to eligible Chicago residents who are at risk of becoming homeless. The program targets households who have had a documented loss of income. Because the program assists only those currently in housing, it is not designed to relocate homeless families from shelter to housing. For more information go to

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NEW ROUND of Community Development Grants

The Department of Planning and Development has announced a new round of Community Development Grants to support local commercial, mixed-use, and light manufacturing development. Grant eligible expenses include pre-development, construction, or renovation costs for permanent capital improvement projects. Only applications for funding levels more than $250,000 are currently being accepted. Grant requests should represent no more than 75% of anticipated total project cost.


The deadline to apply is Monday, February 9th. Apply now at:

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Public Safety Meetings

The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) has introduce a new and improved interactive calendar, which you can click here to access. One of the key features of this calendar is the inclusion of the yearly meeting calendar for both the Commission for Public Safety and your local District Councils. By simply visiting this website, you can find the dates, times, and locations of all scheduled meetings. 


14th Police District Beat Calendar


25th Police District Beat Calendar


12th Police District Council


Apply to Chicago's Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability

Are you passionate about public safety and police oversight and accountability? Your opportunity to make a difference is here! The District Council Nominating Committee will be accepting applications to fill the seven-member Commission from January 8, 2024-February 7, 2024. The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability is a seven-member body that oversees the Chicago Police Department (CPD), the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), and the Police Board. The Commission works to increase public safety, transparency, and community input into CPD, COPA, and Police Board operations, policies, and procedures. For more information go to:

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How to Apply for Flood Assistance

FEMA is now accepting disaster applications to provide relief for damages caused by the severe flooding events between September 17, 2023 - September 18, 2023. To apply for relief call 1-800-621-3362 or register at This is a Federal program, and all follow up will be conducted through FEMA.

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Sidewalk Salting Tips

Salt enhances safety and helps with icy conditions, but excessive salt use can harm our waterways, fish, wildlife, insects, soil and the paws of our four-legged friends. Learn to #SaltSmart this winter! 

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Ballot Initiative Info: Bring Chicago Home

The Bring Chicago Home (BCH) initiative seeks to restructure the Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) to generate dedicated funds for permanent affordable housing, with voters deciding on this initiative on March 19, 2024. The proposal involves decreasing taxes for properties under $1 million and increasing them for properties exceeding $1 million. Click here to read the language on the referendum. If you have any questions, please contact our office.

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Get Involved

Serve as a Poll Watcher

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Run for your Local School Council

As a former educator, I recognize the pivotal role that parental and community involvement plays in shaping a child's education. Research consistently highlights the positive impact of such engagement, leading to improved academic performance, attendance, and enhanced self-esteem for students. Local School Councils (LSCs) are instrumental in this regard, overseeing crucial aspects such as evaluating school principals, approving budgets, and endorsing improvement plans. In the 26th ward, I am dedicated to ensuring that every school benefits from a robust and complete LSC. Your participation in these councils is vital to sustaining the seamless operation of daily school functions. I encourage you to consider running for the LSC, as your input can contribute significantly to the educational landscape of our community. LSC elections are scheduled for April 10 at elementary schools and April 11 at high schools. The deadline to submit your application is February 8, 2024, at 3 pm. Visit to learn more and apply.

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Become an LSC Election Judge

You could earn $275 a day working as a LSC Election Judge. Chicago Public Schools is looking for election judges for the Spring 2024 Local School Council Elections. Elections will be conducted in person at individual schools in April. For more information, contact the office of LSC relations at 773-553-1400 or email

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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Fall Registration

Are you intellectually curious? Or looking for engagement and social connection? OLLI invites you to join this vibrant learning community at Northwestern University, specially designed for adults age 50+. In stimulating discussions, you’ll explore a wide range of your favorite subjects, including history, literature, creative arts, contemporary issues, science, technology, and more--with no tests or grades. Registration is Feb 5 through Feb 19 for 14-week study groups that begin March 4th in Evanston, downtown Chicago, or online. To view our fall catalog of 100 study groups, email And join us for “A Taste of OLLI,” our free online information session on Jan 30 at 11a Central via Zoom (Register here). 

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Job Opportunities

CPS Paraprofessionals Fair

The Chicago Public Schools Talent Office is hosting the monthly CPS Job Paraprofessional Fair in the community for positions with Chicago Public Schools on Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 10:00am - 1:00pm at Garfield Park Gold Dome Field House, 100 North Central Avenue. 

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Construction and Building Trades Pre- Apprenticeship

Are you interested in a career in Construction and the Building Trades? Illinois Works has a FREE Pre-apprenticeship program starting in February. This program offers wrap-around services, stipends, industry recognized certifications and more. For more information contact Rincon Family Services at the number listed on the flyer. 

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Greencorps Training Program

Greencorps Chicago is the City of Chicago’s green industry job training program for individuals with barriers to employment. They are currently recruiting potential candidates for this year’s Employment & Training Program. More information and how to apply can be found on the attached flyer and at During the ten-month program, Greencorps Chicago trainees earn a starting wage of $18.50, receive practical experience, professional development, and classroom & field training. Throughout the program, trainees are supported with wrap-around social services, a stable income, and assistance finding full time employment upon completion of the program. For more info, please see:

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Obama Foundation Hiring

The Obama Presidential Center is slated to open next year! With that, comes a lot of job opportunities. I will make sure to send out the latest job openings that are available for community members to apply to. Current job openings inclue: Senior Associate, OPC Master Scheduler Senior Coordinator, OPC Facilities.


The application for the Obama Leaders program is now open! Between now and Friday, February 9, changemakers between the ages of 24 and 45 from the United States region who want to deepen their leadership skills and connect with other emerging leaders are invited to apply. Apply today!

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Doing Business with the Obama Foundation 

The Obama Foundation, in partnership with the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, is hosting an interactive workshop on January 23 for entrepreneurs and local businesses to explore how to do business with the Foundation. This will take place on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 3:00-5:00 PM at the Polsky Exchange North, 1452 East 53rd Street. This workshop is free and open to the Chicago business community, but please register to attend by Friday, January 19.

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Other Career Opportunities

Public Service

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Local Business Spotlight

Bikettle 21 Day Challenge

Bikettle's 21 day challenge is designed to encourage and motivate. This program includes a meal plan, weekly group meetings, a private Facebook accountability forum, Bikettle Gym Fee waived and prizes for the best transformation. 

Join their challenge at West side location. Contact Maria 773-259-8904 or Erica with questions 773-243-9511.  

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Additional Resources

Utility Bill Assistance

CEDA’s LIHEAP programs offer heating and electricity assistance to income eligible households. Assistance is available to help households with their heating (natural gas, oil, or propane), and/or electric bills. For more information go to

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New Program Connects Landlords and Vacant Apartments To Folks In Need

Chicago Rents is a program that connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs, allowing property partners to receive guaranteed rent, fill vacant units, and access individualized support. Chicago Rents is a program that was created in response to COVID-19 to centralize property partner relationships across multiple housing programs. Through Chicago Rents, property partners are connected with Chicagoans in need of housing, filling unit vacancies and making a real difference in Chicago's neighborhoods. For additional information, please visit:


If you are a landlord interested in joining the Chicago Rents program, you can click here to apply.

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Reproductive Justice

If you know someone looking for reproductive justice resources in Chicago, they can go to this Department of Public Health resource page to use the City’s digital community resource directory. There is also a free talkline (1-888-493-0092) where operators are available to share information on various reproductive justice options. 

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2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622



 Monday 1 pm - 7 pm |  Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm

Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm | Thursday 10 am - 5 pm

Friday 10 am - 5 pm